During lockdown, I connected with an American - mostly Boston/Cambridge based - audience to talk about peace building through circular fashion.
Presented to Master students how creative thinking is central to innovating for a greater good.
Moderated a panel including NovoNordisk's head of Sustainability on sustainable manufacturing and waste rethinking.
Gave a keynote on my proprietary method for sustainability called Bio-circular™ Fashion.
Was part of a panel together with Aniela Hoitink (MycoTex + NEFFA) about sustainable materials and leather alternatives.
Event attended by top executives based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), as well as prominent leaders from the European football industry.
Over the course of two weeks, I was part of various panels on the following topics :
Furthermore, I hosted a private event on Bio-circular™ Fashion introducing my startup Positive Fibers®
Together with Stephanie Benedetto (Queen of Raw) educated an online - Washington D.C. based - audience of female impact investors about the opportunities for impact in the sustainable fashion industry.
Digital Fashion & Sustainability
Together with Louise Laing (PhygitalTwin), and Jessica Evans (Isadoska) discussed digital sustainability. Panel moderated by Lili Bartha (G3NRA).
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